Music Instruments
8 Best Baritone Guitars
Baritone guitars were released in the 1950s. They have been chiefly used as background audio, for films and videos and westerns. In this age, Best Baritone Guitars will be the…
The Difference Between Electric Vs Acoustic Guitar: Which Is Easier?
If you are an aspiring guitarist, you are going to have to pick between playing electric or acoustic guitar, especially if you’re looking to master the skill. Both are guitars,…
Guitar Sizes and Dimensions: Everything You Need to Know
Whether you have just developed an interest in acoustic guitars or you have been playing the instrument for years, at some point you will face the challenge of choosing the…
9 Best Acoustic Guitars Under $500
There is an overwhelming number of low-priced acoustic guitars on the market these days. So how is the discerning guitarist to choose? How do you distinguish a great value guitar…
8 Best Online Guitar Lessons
Many people dream of becoming the next Carlos Santana, Jimi Hendrix, or Neil Young, but without someone to teach them, most of those dreamers never learn how to hold a…
How To Paint A Guitar Step By Step
If you are looking for information on how to paint guitar successfully, keep in mind that patience and time are the two most important things you need. It’s not just…
The 9 Best 7 String Guitars
If you’re tired of playing the usual 6 strings on your guitar, maybe it’s time for an upgrade. 7 string guitars aren’t a new thing, but they definitely are getting…
JamPlay Review: Is Their Guitar Lesson Good?
When we set out to review JamPlay, we heard over and over from veteran players how the site helped them overcome a plateau in their guitar progress. There are quite…
Guitar String Order
One of the first things you need to learn before you start learning how to play the guitar are the names of the open strings, guitar strings order, and how…
Best Cheap Acoustic Guitars
Maybe you’re hoping to pick up a new skill to entertain yourself at home during social distancing measures. Perhaps you’re an experienced musician ready to add to your collection, but…
4 Ways to Make an Acoustic Become an Acoustic-Electric Guitar
Do you often feel the need to invest in many different instruments to create diverse and interesting music? Notable guitarists throughout history have often owned and performed with what seems like countless…
The 10 Best Fender Guitars
A casual music lover can recognize brand Fender. Over the years this brand has become synonymous with favorite music, crafting some of the world’s most recognizable tools for the planet’s…
10 Best 12-String Guitars
12-string guitars are the best option when you are looking for a full-bodied and richer sound. Owning one of these guitars will open a world of possibilities when recording, touring,…
How Much Are Guitar Strings?
Here’s a question for you – how much money should you spend on a good guitar string set? The world of strings is one rather varied market loaded with a…